Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day- Hug a Vet Today

Today was an amazing day.  While I didn't make the time I wanted, I did better then my last 5K and had a blast with the PriorFatPack.  I'm starting something new in my events.  During each event, I will give tribute and honor something or someone.  That's how my journey started, honoring my son Joey and finding peace with his passing.

Today it felt fitting to give honor and tribute to my Dad.  I am a thankful and proud daughter of a Vietnam Vet.  While it's been emotional for me to share this with him, I do feel it important to recognize him for the sacrifices he made for our country.  I'm thankful for him and all of the members of the military, not because I agree or disagree with war, but because these individuals are willing to make huge sacrifices for ALL of us.  When I felt like I couldn't run, I thought of my Dad.  He was willing to serve his country when it was "hard", when it wasn't easy, when he wasn't home to see my brother, his first born child born.  My Dad along with so many others made scarifies I am unwilling to make.  I think about what these men and woman are willing to do.  They may leave behind mothers, fathers, children, significant others etc, for us.  I'm amazed at their courage and unselfishness.  I love that Hannah appreciates and thinks it's so cool that my Dad served our country.  It's really cute because to her, he's kinda a celebrity.  So Dad, THANK YOU.  Thank for being a role model.  Thank you for being willing to make sacrifices, thank you for making the world a safer and better place.  Thank you for your example which reminds me to appreciate the freedoms I am lucky to experience. I am and always will be proud to be your daughter.

Unstoppable "Proud Daughter of a Vietnam Vet" Mariah