Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Good & The Bad

I had shared a few days ago about having increased issues with breathing.  While I kept telling myself so much of this was in my head, turns out, not so much.  My allergy/asthma doctor required me to come if after I called asking for my inhaler to be refilled since I was having some additional issues.  Based on my answers to some questions they had some concerns and wanted to see me in their office.

This leads to the bad.  Turns out, it's not allergy induced asthma, rather it's plain old asthma.  It was a little hard to take in.  I'm working on getting healthy being more active and another bump (another excuse for me to use) pops up.  I have enough issues with my tendinitis, extra fat bouncing and emotional frustrations to overcome while working out, do I really need to add this too?  Then I take a deep breath (hee hee kinda ironic given my new label of being asthmatic) and realize, this isn't really a big deal.  I really like the doctor, he hooked me up with what they call a controller inhaler.  This new inhaler should help me keep my daily asthma symptoms more controlled, leading to less frequent use of my rescue inhaler.  He ran some additional tests to verify that some of my allergies hasn't changed since last year either (cat, dog, dust) since I'm significantly worse this year with breathing.   He wrote up a asthma management plan for me and I'm confident I will be able to control my symptoms and learn to cope with this new development.  After all, I'm Unstoppable Mariah :)

The good news, now this really makes me smile.  I kept having double takes when I looked at my weight on the computer screen in the office, I kept thinking they got the numbers mixed up, because there was no way I could be that much lower from where I started, but yes it was right.  Then I noticed "morbid obesity" was still on my chart.  I asked the doctor in light of my weight loss, could he update it to reflect obese.  He kinda gave me a strange look so I repeated myself in layman terms.  I said "can you update my chart from Morbidly Obese, really fat to Obese, just fat?  Hopefully next time you see me, we can update it to a little fat, overweight."  He said he would do that for me and change it before my eyes.  I'm still smiling!!!  YUPPPIIEEEE. 

While I added Asthma to my records, I removed morbidly obese.  I'll take that trade any day.

Unstoppable "getting my breath back" Mariah


  1. Holy cow, mariah.. sounds like you have had a lot of asthma issues.. it's great when you get a great dr, isn't it?! And I'd say getting the morbidly obese status off your chart is SO much better than the other one.. lol.. who knows, as you lose more weight, your asthma might get better.. :)

  2. Sounds like you have this situation under control, good for you. That is a great feeling to change the status of your medical chart!!!! Congratulations. How is Dt Coke drinking coming along? Since you posted about that I have been cutting way back on the Dt Dew. Thank you for that!!!

  3. Wow!! The good and the bad, huh? Hope you find some great solutions for asthma, and CONGRATS on moving down the "BMI Class". Great job, lady. So proud of you.
