Friday, January 21, 2011

Temptations, I ignore you

On mornings like this I think it’s not so bad I have a little extra junk in the trunk.  It’s one of those morning were your nose hairs freeze when you take the slightest breath through it.  I figure a little extra insulation helps keep me warmer then all those skinny people.  It could all be in my head, but it makes me feel good anyways.
Today is filled with temptations.  We have a department potluck and Hannah’s kidstop was selling donuts for a fundraiser for KS95 change for kids .  I’m feeling emotionally vulnerable due to some disturbing news last night.  Previously this would have been enough of an excuse for me to throw my diet out the door.  Then again, it really didn’t take much for me to find an excuse before, it would have been, I’m feeling frustrated about the news, I’m feeling tired and want a break , it’s Friday and I shouldn’t have to worry about a diet on Friday, I start school on Monday and need a boost, the list goes on and on.  But today, I make different choices.  It’s a lifestyle change, and as Jen from taught me, it’s about decisions and not restrictions.  So this morning instead of putting my stretchy potluck pants on (you know the nice elastic happy ones) , I put my a little too tight potluck pants on.   They are a little tight around the waste to help remind me when I’m full and what my goal is.  Seems silly and little, but I’m confident this tool well help me succeed today.  I will not make excuses today, I will make decisions today.  

Unstoppable Tight Potluck Pants Mariah


  1. It's so easy to make excuses or justify eating poorly. I'm proud of you for making the hard choices, staying honest, and sticking with it. You inspire me. Thanks honey.

  2. Pot Luck Pants totally work, I think I'm on to something new.
