Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Day at a Time

I can check of one day of journaling and one day off for my water goal, a great start to the week.  Last night I tried hard to be outgoing and sociable, I let my fears take a backseat and my personality drive.  I found a new friend whom I’m going to partner with for my group paper and project.  She’s a friendly and smart.  I’m really looking forward to getting to know her more.  Her goal is to get an A and is committed to doing the work to achieve the A.   It’s a 6 weeks class so it’s pretty intense but I’m confident I can make it work with good time management.  Tonight I’m going to go running with Paul after work before dinner and then start writing down a schedule of everything we have going on.  I’m finding this to truly be a key to success.  I used to hate being on a schedule, but now I realize I can’t succeed without it.

My Wii board made me angry again this morning, for any guys reading this, this may be TMI but those who know me, I see the line and I jump way across the line.  Fellow ladies will understand my unexpected weight gain, it’s all about that darn “cycle”.  I know my weight is effect by my cycle but it still frustrates me.  So I need to stay off the scale for a few days and then weight myself again.  I think I’ll wait till Friday because honestly, I just feel devastated when I see it go up.  I know come Friday I’ll be down what I’m up and a little more so I just need to take a few days away from weighing in.

When I committed to the 5K, I really didn’t realize how fast it was coming up.  It’s this Saturday!!!  I’m freaking out a little but know I’ll power through it.    My cousin Pam and her husband Tim are watching Hannah Belle for the day.  She’s more like a sister then a cousin and I’m blessed to have her and her family in my life.   She sent me the best email this morning that brightened up my day and reminded me that this is a journey with many bumps in the way.  She at times has the same road blocks, they may not be at the same time, but she totally understands wanting to throw a scale out the window.  Pam reminded me that I have to keep moving forward and that it won’t be easy.  It was perfect timing after my second day of having breakdown about the Wii board. I love being on the journey with her.   I’m still healthier today then I was before.  I’m more mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically fit.  It took me 8 plus years to gain the weight, it will take me years to take it off.  One step at a time, One day at a time, One triumph at a time.

Unstoppable moving forward Mariah

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