Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm back and dancing

Hello (waving at my screen), I've missed blogging.  It's been a crazy past week, seriously crazy.  I have so much to share, but won't do it tonight.  Homework, work, training, etc has me pulled in 8 directions.  All of my 8 directions are pulling me at strenuous levels and I've been telling myself each day, just gotta get thru today, tmrw will be better.  I wake up the next day and say the same darn thing. 

Today, after learning my very courageous and remarkable co-worker lost his battle with cancer, I stopped in my tracks.  During his battle with cancer, he didn't live to "survive" each day, rather to thrive each day.  He had an amazing attitude and deep faith in God.  I feel blessed to have crossed paths with him.  I started thinking about how many times in the past week I put things off, waiting for a better time, for things to get easier, but the bottom line is, life is hard.  I don't really think there will be an "easy" time to get something done.  So tonight after dinner, despite having a ton of homework, laundry to do etc, I took time to jog.  My body craved it, yes, remarkable I know, my mind cleared, my focus came and despite all of the darn cottonwood and my allergies, I could BREATH.  I had forgotten what physical activity does for my mental activity. 

My take away today is a quote my Vivian Green-  "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . . It's about learning to dance in the rain"

I promise, cross my heart, I will blog about TRINONA tmrw, it was really really really cool and way fun!  

Unstoppable "rock'n out in the rain" Mariah


  1. I love that quote and the idea of dancing in the rain. I've really haven't let myself use the excuse of "rain" to get out of my running workouts, as long as it's just raining. No lightening for me! I can't wait to hear how Trinona went!

  2. It truly is about dancing in the rain! I love that quote, and I love the rain. Infact I love to dance in the rain. Ive done it a few times. Its freeing!
    I am sorry to hear your friend lost his battle, but I am glad you got to see someone fight so hard to thrive! It is an amazing thing to see!

    *hugs* cant wait to hear about Trinona!

  3. Love this!!!! I've been crazy-busy, too, but thank you for the reminder that TODAY is just as good of a time as any - no need to putting off tasks!

  4. This is what I needed to read this morning. Thank you!
