Monday, April 4, 2011

Failure or Success?

I'm laying in bed eating popcorn and drinking sugar free Crystal Light as I type this.  Good Golly Miss Molly was it a long flippen Monday.  I dislike Monday's in the first place, but today was a doozie.  The great part about that, tomorrow will be better.  I actually like getting bad days out of the way, because I love what comes after them.

I had plans to go out jogging after work, I yawned all afternoon and kept telling myself a jog after work and before dinner was the key.   I would then be ready for homework and a quick episode of 30 Rock with my guy and a great night sleep..  Hummm, it's a little after 8, no jog and no homework.  Instead I played on facebook, caught up on emails, shopped on ebay and watched a little TV.   I'm so darn beat I just wanna lay down and cuddle in bed.  I'm trying to decide if this is an example of balance or laziness failure.  I've schedule in jogging Wednesday and Thursday, Pam and I will do our 5K Saturday and I have the mini Tri Sunday with my Tri gals.  I worked out both Saturday and Sunday.  So I think I'll chalk up my cuddliness to bad weather and a success.  It means balance . . right? 

Time to get Belle ready for bed and then some 30 Rock with my boy and to bed by 9:30, I'll be refreshed in the am, ready for work and a full night at school! 

Unstoppable "chill'n like a villain" Mariah


  1. Sometimes it is so hard to be motivated when it is crappy outside!! I think taking the night off was an excellent idea. You will be well rested and totally refreshed for tomorrow. You are such an inspiring lady, I am so glad I got the chance to listen to you speak on Saturday.

  2. Hi Mariah!! Sabrina here, from #priorfatpack! I am now following your blog and will catch up with your posts in the next few days!

  3. HI also from #priorfatpack :) (and of course a follow)

    sounds like you have a supper busy week and will more than make up for your non-run today

  4. Thanks Gals, I can't wait to get to know you guys better. I'm really glad we can connect and support each other :)
